Forgiveness & Healing Workbook

Get the Pro Tips on Forgiveness & Healing, Backed By 15 Years of Counseling Experience!

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Get the detailed guide to forgiving even when the other person isn’t sorry or doesn’t change. You can begin experiencing freedom from the past TODAY!

{20 page PDF + Instructional Video}


Wouldn’t it be great if you could let go of past hurts?

Forgiveness becomes an overwhelming topic as our emotions become entangled with the offense. Without fully understanding what forgiveness is and is not-we stay shackled to pain from the past. 

In this workbook you will understand the {real} biblical definition of forgiveness. Too often, we mix up trust and reconciliation with the act of forgiving. When we misunderstand forgiveness it seems impossible to forgive those who have hurt us, aren’t sorry and don’t change.

Only the courageous, dare to embark on the journey of forgiveness and healing.

Inside the workbook:

1.Learn the true definition of forgiveness.

2.Learn 7 misconceptions about forgiveness.

3.Find out what you have to gain by forgiving.

4.The difference between trust and forgiveness.

5.Where does reconciliation factor in (or does it)?

Bonus: Mini Bible Study

Bonus: Instructional Video {How to fill out the workbook effectively}


Maybe you know the feeling …


A lack of forgiveness often leads to bitterness- robbing us of joy and peace.

Emotional Pain

Unforgiveness will not allow us to heal from the pain of the past.


Without fully understanding forgiveness, we tend to complicate trust and reconciliation.

The truth is that the 4 biggest mistakes Made in forgiveness is…

Mistake #1

Believe forgiveness is a feeling, therefore don’t forgive until feelings change.

Mistake #2

Believe forgiveness is impossible without an apology.

Mistake #3

Jump to reconciliation too quickly.

Mistake #4

Believe trust is offered right away with forgiveness.


“Of all of the articles, devotions, explanations, etc. (and I’ve read more than my share!), this one is tops them all. As I explained to my husband, it’s an easy read, but complex enough to answer all of your “But what if…” questions. Without a doubt, written by a daughter of The King. Thank you Sunshyne, for using the gift He gave you to share His love in your counseling of others!”
“I needed this, it came into my life at the perfect time! I was struggling and dwelling in the past, re-living a specific hurt in my life. Resenting the individual that caused the hurt, wishing and wanting them to feel the hurt and pain I feel.
I was stuck in a toxic cycle, until I came across this. It saved me. Thank you!”
“Thank you so much for this Biblical and needed clarity!”
“I’m so thankful I found this workbook- it is helping me through a very difficult time.”
“Thank you for this! I love that Scripture is weaved throughout the workbook. This is a subject we all struggle with and need the Word of God to lead us and teach us. Thank you for this very balanced look at a very real issue.”

Get the forgiveness & healing workbook!


Take a look inside

Section one

Forgiveness is Not

Section Two

What is Forgiveness?

Section three

Benefits of Forgiveness

Section four

Healing Through Forgiveness

Section five

Forgiveness in Action

Section six

Trust and Forgiveness

Section seven


Buy it Now!

Hello there! I’m Sunshyne!

I am a licensed therapist in Southern California. I specialize in Christian Counseling and Coaching. In this diy workbook you will get expert tips guide to forgiveness, authored by someone who has experience providing biblical counsel on the topic of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a confusing topic when our emotions are part of the equation. This workbook gives the steps to find freedom from the past.

online christian counseling

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the workbook start and finish?

The workbook (20 page PDF) starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced workbook – you decide when you start and when you finish. Plus you can always come back for a refresher!

How long do I have access to the workbook?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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