52 Top Bible Verses About Hatred Toward Others

bible verses about hatred toward others with mountain background

It is impossible to live in a fallen world without experiencing hurt in relationships with others. If deep hurt from a family member, friend or fellow believer is not addressed, it can lead to hatred. In this article, we are going to go over Bible verses about hatred towards others. Both New Testament and Old…

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Praying For Those Who Hurt You Is Powerful!

Praying for those who hurt you with blue watercolor mountains in background

Praying for those who hurt you can be the most powerful and loving thing you can do. In this article, let’s unpack the heart of God when we are dealing with the pain of broken relationship. We will identify Bible verses about praying for our enemies and why this is beneficial. Additionally, God’s grace to…

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55 Surprising Bible Verses About Confusion

bible verses about confusion; deception leads to confusion; foggy tree background

Before we search Bible verses about confusion, let’s first define it. Confusion is a state of mental uncertainty or lack of clarity. It occurs when your thoughts, feelings, or perceptions are disordered or foggy, making it difficult to understand or make sense of a situation. Confusion can also be described as a sense of chaos,…

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59 Bible Verses About People Pleasing & How to Stop

people jumping; 59 bible verses about people pleasing

Are you a people pleaser? Spoiler alert…we all are sometimes. The difference between each person lies in the patterns and motives. In this article, we are going to tackle people pleasing by reviewing Bible verses about people pleasing in God’s Word. This means we will review Bible verses about pleasing man versus pleasing God. And…

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42 Powerful Bible Verses About Anger

powerful bible verses about anger; bible in background

Anger is a natural emotion and everyone experiences it! God’s Word gives us lots of information about human anger. In this article, you will learn about why it’s actually okay to experience anger and what to do with that emotion. Additionally, you are going to find out common reasons we get angry and why sinful anger is…

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