How to Stop Being Defensive

title: how to stop being defensive

Everyone gets defensive sometimes! However, when defensiveness is a pattern it can become destructive. A pattern of defensiveness becomes destructive for both you as an individual and for your relationships. This is why it is so important to know how to stop being defensive. Patterns of defensiveness is an effort to self protect- let’s take…

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How to Stop Ruminating Thoughts

title: how to stop ruminating thoughts what are ruminating thoughts

This article will answer the questions- What are ruminating thoughts? Additionally, 10 tips will be outlined on how to stop ruminating thoughts. I recently stumbled upon a new song being played on the radio ALOT! The song was so good I had to download it. Once it was on my playlist, I hit the repeat…

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50 Questions for Spiritual Growth

get the download questions for spiritual growth

Spiritual growth leads to spiritual maturity. Growing in spiritual maturity is growth in our relationship with Jesus- As we grow spiritually we depend more and more on the One through Whom everything is held together (Colossians 1:17). In this article, 50 questions for spiritual growth are outlined to help you become increasingly aware of God’s…

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How to Stop Struggling with Comparison

title how to stop struggling with comparison

 What is Comparison? The definition of comparison is estimating similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people. However, if you’re struggling with comparison, you are more likely comparing your weakness with someone else’s strengths. Read that last line again! We live in a world that spends a great deal of time on social media. It…

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What does the Bible say about negative thoughts?

title- what does the bible say about negative thoughts?

Have you ever wished you could turn off your brain? I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been there. The battle of the mind is a daily thing! Negative thoughts can often come more naturally than positive thoughts. So, how do we make the leap from negative thoughts to positive thoughts? God in all…

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