Quiet Time for Kids

Quiet time. If you’re a parent, those two words are probably like a mirage in the desert. It sounds like an oasis of sorts. I wake up before the sun each day to relish my own personal quiet time before the demands of the day begin.

But what about quiet time for kids? The first time I heard about quiet time for kids I couldn’t imagine my two rowdy kiddos taking a break in the day to be still and silent. I liked the sound of it though!

As the seasons in our family life are constantly changing with the ages of our children, quiet time still remains. There have been seasons of quiet time as a daily routine. As the kids have grown and extracurricular activities have increased, quiet time has slowed to a few times a week. Even with fewer quiet times I see huge benefits. So why do quiet time?

Benefits of Quiet Time

We live in such a noisy world. Over-packed schedules, social media and advertising all make it challenging to be left alone to think, create, and grow as individuals. When we constantly choose screens, we keep our own mind busy and distracted.

Kids need this break from the world too. Time to decompress, think and create. Quiet time develops a comfort with quiet and stillness. It also teaches children how to relax – a trait often undervalued.

Most importantly, quiet time prepares children for quiet time with God. So much is learned in the stillness of time with God. It’s an opportunity to pray the things that weigh heavy on our hearts. Creating a pattern of quiet time with God is an incredibly valuable legacy to leave your children. It’s a lasting skill set that reaps huge blessings.

When to do Quiet Time

As a homeschooler quiet time is easier to achieve. On busier days with over-packed schedules, I aim for a little piece of quiet time before bed. Remember seasons in family life change, but we can be purposeful in creating times of quiet.

What do the Kids Do During Quiet Time?

You can tailor the options based on each kid, keeping their ages in consideration. Activities over the years have changed with the kids’ ages. When the kids were younger they would choose a quiet toy such as Legos or dolls to play with alone in their rooms. As they grow it has changed to reading, drawing or even an audiobook for the less avid readers. Sometimes the kids lay down and think or thoughtfully stare out the window.

Tips for Quiet Time

When first beginning quiet time, remember it takes time to set up new routines or patterns. Don’t give up! Be patient, but firm. My kids aren’t always overjoyed to go to their rooms each time we do quiet time, but they know the routine. Just like they’re not overjoyed to eat their veggies, it still happens. Ya know? Though they are not always enthusiastic about quiet time, they always come out much more relaxed. They haven’t thanked me yet, but I suspect one day they will when they have their kids!

Last thought

Once this new routine is established, you get quiet time too! I encourage you to use it to decompress, think and create as well. Avoid dishes, laundry and returning phone calls. Instead be still and rest.

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