When You Doubt God’s Love

Doubting the love of God happens to us at one time or another. It’s easy to doubt the love of God since we can’t experience Him with our 5 senses. Everyone has wondered from time to time about His love. John 3:16 tells us that he loves the whole world. And He does. But His love is much more personal than that. It’s specific to each one of us.

God knows everything about you. He knows your habits and the things you think about. He knows your strengths and weaknesses. Wherever you go He is with you. He has good plans for your life. He cares about the paths you take and the choices you make. God thinks about you more than you can imagine. The best part of His love? It’s unchanging. His love is not moved by you or anything you do.

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. ~Augustine

Doubting God’s love does not diminish His love for us. Doubting His love only diminishes fully experiencing His love. Doubt can be battled with the Truth. God’s Word is truth. As we study Truth, confusion turns to clarity. When thoughts and feelings lead us astray, the Bible gets us back on point. The Bible reminds us that we are much loved children of the Most High.

Sanctify them by your truth. Your Word is truth. ~John 17:17

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