How to Stop Negative Self Talk

title: stop beating yourself up

Do you have a tendency to beat yourself up? Got a really harsh inner critic that goes everywhere with you?  Want to know how to stop negative self talk? The answer is quite possibly the thing that could change everything for you. Do you tend to be hard on yourself? Being hard on yourself could…

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50 Identity in Christ Bible Verses

title identity in Christ verses

Understanding our identity in Christ is paramount. Seeing ourselves through the lens of our new identity in Christ changes everything! In this article, we will outline many Bible verses on our identity in Christ because Scripture is our plumb line for Truth. The Bible gives us a clear definition who we are in Christ. Several…

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Everything You Need to Take Thoughts Captive

title everything to take thoughts captive woman typing

Every single person has a battle in the mind. While the battle to take thoughts captive is different for each of us- the way to actually win the battle of the mind is roughly the same! In this article, there are 10 resources to give you everything you need to take thoughts captive. Changing your…

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What is the Meaning of 2 Corinthians 10:5?

title Meaning of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

In this article we are going to break down the question, what is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 10:5? Furthermore, we will define exactly what are the weapons of our warfare. Finally, the mysterious question, what are strongholds in the Bible will become clearer! Taking every thought captive is in the Bible and it’s a…

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Bible Verses About Perfectionism {+10 Tips}

title: overcome perfectionism

This article is going to outline Bible verses about perfectionism. Additionally, we will talk about what the Bible says about perfectionism and how to overcome perfectionism. On the surface perfectionism may seem like a good thing. Often viewed as driving success and leading to higher achievement. However, perfectionism is often a signal that a lot…

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