{100+} Ultimate List of Prayer Prompts

Have you ever desired a more fervent prayer life? I know I have. Being in God’s Word has always been a strength for me, however being in my Heavenly Father’s throne room of grace requires intention. There are many different ways we can build intention into our prayer life. This article outlines 100+ prayer prompts to help guide your time with the Lord. As you get started, I want to remind you that prayer is an invitation from God to meet with you, help you and love you in your relationship with Him. He is never busy, tired or unable to attend to your needs. In fact, your Heavenly Father delights to see you poke your head into the throne room for anything and everything you desire to talk with Him about.

praying hands on bible; title- ultimate list of prayer prompts

Bible Verses About the Power of Prayer

Prayer is on of our divine weapons as a Christian. Scripture clearly outlines the importance and power of prayer. Check out the following verses…

James 5:16b– The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18– Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Philippians 4:6-7– Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 4:16–  Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Matthew 7:7– Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

More on the benefits of prayer here.

ACTS Prayer Method

There is no wrong way to pray. Prayer is simply talking to God. The ACTS prayer method is one of many ways to pray with a little bit more direction. ‘A’ stands for adoration. This is a great way to start your time in prayer. Praising the character of God sets my heart in the right before God. It gently reminds me of who God is and who I am in relation to the Master of the Universe. Spending time praising God also helps me put everything into perspective before I come to Him with my requests.

‘C’ stands for confession. This is the time that I confess sin or areas that I am struggling in my faith. He invites us to approach the Throne of Grace so that we can be cleanses and release what weighs us down. ‘T’ is for thanksgiving. This is a prayer of thanks for all the beautiful things God has done, is doing or will do. It is a great reminder that there is good even if I am going through a hard time. Finally, ‘S’ stands for supplication. We are invited to bring our specific needs directly to God. From daily needs to current struggles, God desires to hear from you in prayer. Check out this article for more on the ACTS Prayer Method.

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    Powerful Prayer Life

    There are so many different ways to be intentional in your prayer life. Before we get into the prayer prompts, I want to give you some ways to consider being more intentional in your prayer life. First, some find it helpful to start a daily prayer journal. This is a great place to put prayer requests and answers to prayers. Additionally, putting your prayer journal prompts to help get you started when you come before God to pray. Much like the prayer journal, a prayer board or wall is a place you can pin up prayer requests and prayer prompts to keep you more focused during prayer time.

    Maybe your mind start to wander like mine does. I get easily distracted as my thoughts take over. A prayer wall, board or journal helps me stay focused! Finally, I’m a walker- I love listening to podcasts, but sometimes intentionally choose to use that time for prayer. This is especially helpful when i feel overwhelmed with the happenings of life. Walking and talking with God without prompts in front of me can make for some pretty candid conversations with my Heavenly Father. By the end of the walk, I feel light as a feather because I’ve spilled my heart out to the One who can do more than I. 

    103 Prayer Prompts for a Vibrant Prayer Life

    The following prayer prompts are a great way to give you more focus in your prayer life. The prompts encompass a variety of areas that need to be covered in prayer.

    Marriage Prayer Prompts

    1. Gratitude for Your Spouse- Pray that God would help you see your spouse through His eyes. Additionally, thank God for the strengths and gifts your spouse brings to the marriage.
    2. Peace & Unity- Ask God to help you navigate conflict in a way that honors your spouse and God.
    3. Communication- Seek guidance on improving communication between you and your spouse, so that you may better understand and support each other.
    4. Patience and Understanding- Pray for patience and understanding, both for yourself and your spouse, as you navigate the challenges of married life.
    5. Wisdom in Decision-Making- Seek wisdom and discernment in making important decisions together as a couple.
    6. Forgiveness- Pray for the ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness when necessary, remembering that no one is perfect.
    7. Strength in Times of Trouble- Ask for strength and resilience to face the trials and tribulations that may come your way as a couple.
    8. Intimacy- Pray for a deep and meaningful emotional, spiritual, and physical connection in your marriage.
    9. Blessing and Protection- Finally, ask for God’s blessing and protection over your marriage, that it may thrive and endure.

    Adapt these prompts to your own life adding specific requests or concerns that are relevant to your marriage.

    Prayer Prompts for Your Children

    1. Health and Safety- Pray for your children’s physical health and safety, asking for protection from illness, accidents, and harm.
    2. Guidance and Wisdom- Ask for God’s guidance and wisdom for your children as they navigate life’s challenges and decision making.
    3. Character- Pray for the development of strong character and the fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in their life.
    4. Friendships- Pray for friendships that would encourage them in their faith.
    5. Emotional Health- Ask God to help your child navigate their emotions and difficulties with resilience and insight.
    6. Faith and Spiritual Growth- Pray for your children’s spiritual growth, that they may have a strong relationship with God and a deep understanding of their faith.
    7. Protection from Negative Influences- Seek protection from the world’s negative influences, including peer pressure, social media, and temptations that may lead them astray.
    8. Purpose and Calling- Ask for clarity and discernment regarding your children’s purpose and calling.
    9. Patience and Self-Control- Pray for the development of patience and self-control in all circumstances.
    10. Gratitude- Pray for your children to see the goodness of God and His blessings.
    11. Family Relationships- Pray for strong family relationships, a spirit of unity and peace.
    12. Future Spouse- Pray for your children’s future spouse, that they may find loving spouse, who seeks to honor God.
    13. Service and Compassion- Ask for opportunities for your children to serve others and develop a compassionate heart.
    14. Strength in Faith: Ask God to strengthen your child’s faith through all circumstances in their life.

    Prayer Prompts for Friends

    1. Health and Well-being- Pray for your friends’ physical and mental health, asking for strength and healing in all areas of their life.
    2. Strength in Difficult Times- Ask for God’s comfort and strength to help your friends navigate challenges, disappointments, and difficult circumstances.
    3. Guidance and Wisdom- Pray for wisdom and discernment in decision-making and life choices for your friends.
    4. Relationships- Lift up your friends’ relationships, asking for harmony, understanding, and healthy connections with family, friends, and loved ones.
    5. Career and Purpose- Seek God’s guidance for your friends’ career paths and life purposes.
    6. Spiritual Growth- Pray for the deepening of your friends’ faith and spiritual growth, that they may draw closer to God and experience His presence in tangible ways.
    7. Joy and Contentment- Ask for joy, contentment, and peace in their hearts, regardless of their circumstances.
    8. Financial Stability- Lift up their financial well-being, asking for God’s provision and wise stewardship of resources.
    9. Gratitude and Thankfulness- Pray that your friends may cultivate a heart of gratitude and thankfulness for the blessings in their lives.

    Prayer Prompts for Political Leaders

    1 Timothy 2:1-2- First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

    1. Wisdom for Leaders- Pray for wisdom, discernment, and sound judgment for government officials at all levels, so they can make decisions that honor God and align with Truth.
    2. Unity and Cooperation- Ask for unity and cooperation among government leaders and between different branches of government, that they may work together effectively for good.
    3. Justice and Fairness- Pray for justice and fairness in all policies and actions taken by the government.
    4. Protection from Corruption- Ask God to bring down corrupt leaders and raise up godly leadership.
    5. Compassion for Vulnerable Populations- Pray for compassion and care for the most vulnerable people in society.
    6. Peace and Security- Ask for peace, security and safety within the nation and beyond.
    7. Freedom and Human Rights- Pray for the protection of freedom.
    8. Civic Engagement- Pray for increased civic engagement and participation among citizens, that they may actively contribute to the betterment of society.
    9. Spiritual Guidance for Leaders- Pray for the spiritual well-being of government leaders, that they may seek God’s guidance in their decision-making.

    Prayer Prompts for Enemies

    Matthew 5:43-44-  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

    1. Pray for Compassion- Ask for the ability to see your enemies with compassion, empathy and understanding.
    2. Pray for Forgiveness- Ask God to help you release your enemit into His hands, releasing the burden of anger and resentment. 
    3. Pray for Healing- Pray for emotional and spiritual healing for both yourself and your enemies, that wounds would be healed.
    4. Pray for Wisdom- Ask for wisdom to respond to difficult situations involving your enemies in a way that reflects God’s love and grace.
    5. Pray for Reconciliation- Pray for reconciliation and restoration of broken relationships, if it’s in alignment with biblical reconciliation.
    6. Pray for Their Well-being- Lift up your enemies in prayer, asking God to work in their hearts, growing them in grace.
    7. Pray for Their Salvation- Pray for the salvation of your enemies, that they may come to know God’s love and grace.
    8. Pray for Your Response- Seek guidance on how to respond to your enemies in a way that honors God.
    9. Pray for Protection- Ask God to protect you and your loved ones from harm or ill intentions from your enemies.
    10. Pray for Strength- Request strength and resilience as you overcome the harm caused.
    11. Pray for Generosity- Pray for a generous heart that can extend kindness even toward those who have wronged you.
    12. Pray for Boundaries- Seek wisdom in setting healthy boundaries with your enemies, to protect your own well-being.
    13. Pray for Patience- Ask for patience and perseverance in your efforts to respond to your enemies with love and forgiveness.
    14. Pray for Peace- Finally, pray for peace in your heart and for the ability to let go of the harm done.

    Prayer Prompts for Unbelievers in Your Life

    Praying for the lost aligns with our mission as children of God to expand the kingdom. Pray for unbelievers in your life- that they would experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    1. Open Hearts and Minds- Pray that God would open the hearts and minds of your unbelieving friends and family members to receive the message of salvation.
    2. Divine Appointments- Ask God to orchestrate divine appointments and encounters that will lead your loved ones to faith.
    3. Revelation of God’s Love- Pray that they may experience and understand the depth of God’s love and grace for them.
    4. Removal of Spiritual Blindness- Ask God to open the eyes of their heart to Truth!
    5. Seed of Faith- Ask God to plant a seed of faith in their hearts.
    6. Godly Influences: Pray that God would bring believers into their lives.
    7. Protection from the Enemy- Seek protection for your loved ones from the enemy who steals seed of faith and leads them away from Truth.
    8. Understanding of the Gospel- Pray that they may hear and understand the gospel message clearly and without distortion.
    9. Holy Spirit’s Empowerment- Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts to receive the Truth of the gospel.
    10. The Words- Ask God to give you the right words at the right moments to share the gift of salvation.
    11. Patience and Persistence- Pray for patience and persistence in your own efforts to share the gospel and be a living example of faith to them.

    Praying for Church Leadership

    1. Spiritual Growth- Pray that church leaders continually grow in their relationship with God, deepening their faith and intimacy with Him.
    2. Spiritual Discernment- Ask for spiritual discernment for leaders to make wise decisions, guided by the Holy Spirit.
    3. Unity among Leaders- Pray for unity, harmony, and mutual respect among the church leadership team, that they may work together effectively.
    4. Servant Hearts- Ask that leaders maintain servant hearts, modeling humility and selflessness in their ministry.
    5. Wisdom in Decision-Making- Pray for wisdom and insight as leaders make decisions that impact the church and its congregation.
    6. Vision and Direction- Seek God’s guidance for the church’s direction, that it aligns with His will.
    7. Strength and Endurance- Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual strength for leaders to fulfill their roles effectively.
    8. Protection and Guidance for Families- Ask for protection, guidance, and God’s blessings upon the families of church leaders.
    9. Effective Communication- Pray for effective communication within the leadership team and between leaders and the congregation.
    10. Stewardship and Finances- Seek God’s wisdom in stewarding the church’s resources and finances wisely.
    11. Outreach and Evangelism- Pray for leaders to be effective in outreach and evangelism efforts to share the Gospel with the community.
    12. Caring for the Flock- Ask that leaders have a heart for the congregation, caring for their spiritual and emotional needs.
    13. Discipleship and Growth- Pray for the growth and spiritual development of all church members under the leadership’s guidance.
    14. Protection from Spiritual Attacks- Seek protection for leaders from spiritual attacks.
    15. Revival and Spiritual Awakening- Pray for revival and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s power on the church.

    Prayer Prompts for Spiritual and Emotional Growth

    How often do you pray for spiritual and emotional growth in your own life? Many prayer warriors go to their prayer closet and lift up their people to the Most High God. However, they are less likely to lift up their own emotional and spiritual needs. These prayer prompts will help you lift up your own specific needs.

    Spiritual Growth:

    1. Seeking God’s Presence: Pray for the awareness of God’s presence in your life and a deeper intimacy with Him.
    2. Spiritual Hunger: Ask God to increase your hunger and thirst for His Word and a deeper understanding of His truths.
    3. Obedience and Surrender: Pray for the strength and willingness to obey God’s commands and surrender to His will.
    4. Spiritual Discernment: Ask God for wisdom and discernment to recognize God’s guidance and distinguish it from other influences.
    5. Fruit of the Spirit: Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help in cultivating the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your life.
    6. Accountability and Community: Pray for godly relationships and a community of believers that encourage your spiritual growth.
    7. Overcoming Temptations: Seek God’s strength to resist temptations and overcome areas of weakness in your spiritual life.
    8. Gratitude and Worship: Express gratitude and worship to God for His grace, mercy, and love in your life.
    9. Forgiveness: Pray for the ability to forgive others as you have been forgiven by God.
    10. Purpose and Calling: Seek clarity and discernment regarding your life’s calling.

    Emotional Growth:

    1. Emotional Healing: Pray for healing and restoration of any emotional wounds or traumas you have experienced.
    2. Self Compassion: Ask for the ability to love and accept yourself as God does, recognizing your worth in His eyes.
    3. Healthy Boundaries: Pray for wisdom in setting and maintaining healthy emotional boundaries in your relationships.
    4. Patience and Understanding: Seek emotional patience and understanding for yourself and others during difficult times.
    5. Peace and Joy: Pray for a sense of inner peace and joy that is not dependent on your circumstances.

    Praying for Guidance

    1. Clarity of Mind: Pray for a clarity and direction in your life and the decisions before you.
    2. God’s Will: Ask for guidance in discerning and aligning your life with God’s will.
    3. Wisdom and Discernment: Pray for wisdom and discernment to in decision making.
    4. Patience: Ask for patience in waiting for God’s timing and for the patience to persevere when things are uncertain.
    5. Open Doors and Closed Doors: Ask God to open doors and close doors according to His will.
    6. Peace Amidst Uncertainty: Request God’s peace and assurance, especially when you are unsure about the future.
    7. Trusting God’s Plan: Finally, pray for the ability to trust in God’s plan, even when it may differ from your own desires or plans.

    Wrapping Up Prayer Prompts

    ​There is no right or wrong way to pray. Use your own words and talk with God. He delights to hear you share your heart, praise, gratitude and requests with Him. Prayer is powerful in every season of life. We are invited to exercise the privilege of prayer without ceasing!


    1. Becky Hoagland on September 12, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      I would like the Prayer Prompts. All of them except for Marriage or my children. I don’t have either one

    2. […] Ultimate List of Prayer Prompts […]

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