7 {Life Changing} Reasons To Pray

 In this article we will cover reasons to pray. Prayer is one of the most powerful and intimate actions we can take in our spiritual life. It draws us closer to our Heavenly Father as we step out in vulnerability and connection to the Most High God. 

title reasons to pray

My son recently reached the magical age in which our kids get cell service. The first thing he said when he got his cell phone activated was, “Now I can call you and text you all day, mom!”. My husband and daughter rolled their eyes and I smiled, but my son has been true to his word. He texts me and calls me throughout the day. When I see his sweet little face pop up on my notifications, I feel the smile spread over my face. It doesn’t matter what is going on in my day, I am absolutely delighted to hear from him. I adore him.

When we push open the throne room door of God, He too is absolutely delighted to see His children poke their head in and connect with Him. He adores you. He loves when you reach out to Him in prayer. You are His dearly loved child. I picture a smile spreading across His face, too.

When we come to Christ, He opens the door to the throne room of God so that we may have immediate and constant contact with the Most High. Prayer is one of the most incredible privileges we have as a child of God. It’s an invitation to speak to the Creator and the Master of the Universe. Literally, a direct line to God. Let’s dive into reasons to pray…everyday!

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    7 Reasons to Pray Everyday

    Prayer is Commanded

    The first reason to pray…everyday, is prayer is a command. Scripture tells us to pray about everything (Philippians 4:7) and without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When God commands us, the proper response is to trust and obey. Over the years, I have come to learn that when God commands something, it is for our good. He is the Father of every good and perfect gift, and therefore He is calling us to engage in the gift of prayer. 

    Pray Demonstrates Dependence

    Prayer is the expression of man’s dependence upon God for all things. In other words, our level of dependence on God will be revealed by our prayer life. What does your prayer life reveal about your level of dependence on God? What needs are you bringing or not bringing to your Heavenly Father?

    Prayer Leads to Intimacy with God

    This is my favorite reason to pray everyday. We all desire a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father. Prayer is the vehicle to deeper intimacy. Consider how vulnerable it is to confess weakness and sin. Or how vulnerable it is to make requests- an expression of utter need. Vulnerability is what leads to intimacy. As we come before our Heavenly Father in vulnerability and know that we are fully known, fully loved and fully accepted… Intimacy develops. How good God is to open His throne room and extend the gift of prayer. Do you resist vulnerability with God? How does that affect your prayer life? Does that affect your intimacy with God?

    Prayer Gives Power Over Evil

    Prayer gives us power over evil. Scripture says to pray in the Spirit on all occasions (Ephesians 6:18). Remember- we don’t fight with weapons of the world, our weapons have divine power to demolish strongholds (1 Corinthians 10:1). Fighting spiritual battles is a huge benefit or reason to pray. What battle are you fighting right now? How might that battle change if you were on your knees more?

    Prayer Praises God

    Prayer also avails the opportunity to praise God for who He is and thank Him for all He does. When we praise and thank God in our prayers, we are fixing our eyes on Him. Fixing our eyes on Him shifts our focus from the problems and to the One who is over all things. This is an important reason to pray everyday. It breathes hope into our soul.Our primary purpose in life is to bring glory to God. Nothing in this world is more fulfilling than leaning into our God-given purpose of prayer.

    Prayer is Christ-like

    Throughout the gospels we see Jesus preparing for ministry with prayer (Matthew 4). We also see Him leaving the crowds to spend time with His Father God (Matthew 14:23, Luke 6:12, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16). Jesus knew the importance of praying. He displayed a deeply intimate relationship with God, His Father (and our Father). Jesus is our role model for living. Following Jesus in His demonstration of prayer is a great reason to pray more.

    Prayer Expands Our Love for Others

    We are called to pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Jesus knows that when we pray for our enemies, it changes our hearts. It deepens our compassion and love for others who have hurt us. It might also change our enemy’s heart and restore them to God. Both are important reasons to pray. 

    Praying for one another (other believers) (Galatians 6:2) is another call to prayer. This is a powerful way for us to bear each other’s burdens. Sometimes the only way we can support someone. There is power in prayer (James 5:16), therefore we are called to pray!

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      Wrapping Up Reasons to Pray Everyday

      When we don’t believe in the power of prayer we will miss out on a deeply intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. Instead we will lean into our own strength rather than His. We will depend on our own gifts rather than the One who gave the gifts. When we don’t believe in the power of prayer we will forget to use our divine weapons.

      But, when we believe God hears and answers prayers, we can come to Him utterly vulnerable in our weakness, full of need and know without a doubt we are fully known and fully accepted. We will fight battles on our knees fully dependent on the power of God and see victory. We will be demonstrating Christ-likeness in our prayers, all the while praising and thanking Him for His perfect and loving answers.

      In what ways would you like to see your prayer life transformed? How are you praying to God and depending on Him to transform your prayer life?

      Check out the ACTS prayer model and get a free download!


      1. Betty Alark on April 7, 2022 at 4:39 am

        Good morning, Sunshyne, and thank you for your blog! I know it’s not by any random act that I’m here. I praise the Lord for Him bringing me here!

        Thank you for the beautiful post on the importance of prayer!

        Sometimes we can become distraught in our life and lose sight of depending on God while going through trials, but Heavenly Father always restores us back to Him!

        I’m in Christ and I love the Lord. Lately, I’ve been going through a dark trial and needed encouragement. I’m grateful to find it here!!

        You have a beautiful name! I really needed some light!

        Thank you for your service to God, and the works you are doing to bring the word of God to souls!

        I praise the Lord always and am grateful for Heavenly Father’s never-ending love unto His children!

        Peace, Joy, and Love unto you!

      2. Paulette on November 8, 2022 at 5:26 am

        Thank you for this timely reminder. I have no problem remembering to pray when there are problems but I seem to lessen my prayer life when all is well. I know that I should take this time to give thanks to my Father yet I don’t always do that. I keep a prayer journal so I can see the pattern very well and I want to be more prayerful so thank you once again for being obedient to God and reminding all of us why we should pray more.

        • Sunshyne Gray on November 16, 2022 at 1:36 pm

          That is my default, too, Paulette. Praying we both pray without ceasing regardless of the season we are walking though!

      3. […] Prayer even expands our love for others as we are called to pray for our enemies. The benefits of prayer go far beyond anything we can imagine. As you read through some of the best bible verses on prayer, […]

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      5. […] Benefits of Prayer […]

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