Thriving in Unequally Yoked Marriages

SAVE THIS PIN FOR LATER! Refer back to these 10 tips, again! The decision to write about navigating unequally yoked marriages came from a landslide of emails I received. The emails referenced an earlier article on marriage advice for wives. The article was about husbands taking the lead in marriage. The emails I’ve received have…

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How to Save Your Marriage: 4 Mind Shifts

save your marriage

‘How to save your marriage’ is a bold title. I hesitated to use it until I looked at the actual definition of ‘save’. One of the definitions was to keep safe or rescue from danger. Is your marriage in danger? The other definition (the one I really liked) was to preserve or guard from injury,…

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6 Steps to Stop Your Controlling Behavior

controlling behavior

“You’re so controlling!” Has that ever been said to you? It’s been said to me and it was true! Rather than own it at that time, I went with the classic blaming method and excuse-making. I also hid behind my “Type A” personality excuse. Fast forward time, I can now see, my control was rooted…

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