Why Study the Bible? Check out 12 Awesome Reasons!

Why study the Bible? The Bible is the only book that has the power to transform your entire life.

Which might be why there are more than 5 billion copies sold and it’s the best selling book of all time period since the 2000’s, more than 100 million copies are sold each year. With impressive stats like these, why not study the Bible?!

In this article I will outline 12 compelling reasons {taken from Scripture} to study the Bible. I have to warn you…When I was done compiling the list of benefits of why we should study the Bible, I was more motivated than ever to stick my nose in God’s Word. I began to wonder why I’m not spending more time renewing my mind. The benefits of renewing your mind go far beyond what you might think!

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Why Study the Bible? 12 Compelling Reasons

The Bible is Flawless

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” Proverbs 30:5

The Word of God is flawless, inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16), and has power to transform lives (Romans 12:2). At the moment we come to faith in Christ we have the Holy Spirit within us. His Holy Spirit is the power behind our understanding His Word. The Bible is complete…equipping us to mature in our faith.

Transformed Instead of Conformed

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

My favorite benefit of Bible study is the powerful and transforming work it has in my life and relationships. If I am not intentional in carving out time in God’s Word, my heart begins to move toward a worldly view of everything around me.

Studying the Bible is how I can be more aligned with Christ in His purpose for my life. I desire to view everything through the eyes of Christ rather than my own.

Take Thoughts Captive

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Taking thoughts captive is a phrase that means we take a closer look at what we’re thinking to figure out whether or not it’s true. Why study the Bible? Renewing our mind is how we separate truth from lies.

Our thoughts, when left unchallenged, are treated like facts. And unfortunately, there is a lot of bias due to our different life experiences.

The Bible is the plumb line for truth. Consequently, another benefit of studying the Bible, is getting good at figuring out what’s true and what’s not. Only then can we take thoughts captive to make them obedient to Christ.

Stronger Faith

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the messages heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17

A few years ago I set a goal to get physically strong enough to do 5 pull ups. Every time I went to the gym I would simply hang from the bar and try with all my might to lift up. Six months later I did my very first pull up.

My faith started in the same weak place. Praise God, it only takes a mustard seed because I think that’s all I had! But over time, little-by-little, my faith grew.

Without faith it is impossible to live the Christian life to its fullest. Faith is the ingredient that causes us to live out what we know. As my faith grew stronger, my fears shrunk. 

Change From the Inside Out

For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

The Bible guides the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, exposing areas that are in need of refinement. The Holy Spirit gently exposes the dark parts of my heart, by shedding light through the Word of God.

He then goes a step further by changing my desires. Especially increasing my desire to trust and obey His Word.

Prepared for Trials and Opposition

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12

Jesus warns us that we will have troubles in this world (John 16:33). Nothing equips us better than His Word. Why study the Bible before the troubles hit? Because it’s the promises of God that strengthen us. It’s the hope of something better one day that helps us stand firm. Knowing and believing in the character of God is what calms the internal storm.

More Hope, Peace & Joy

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

How does Bible study give us more hope, peace and joy? It shifts our gaze from the storm to the One who sustains the entire world. Every day my eyes scan the horizon- stressors are in plain view and quickly become my focus. However, studying the Bible gently lifts my gaze to Christ. Therefore, fear and stress fade and hope peace and joy grow.


Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. John 13:17

Jesus is very clear in this verse that obedience brings blessing. In other words when we live according to God’s plans for us – it’s just better.

The first action word is know. You can’t do what you don’t know. Consequently, Bible study is the means to knowing. As you get to knowing more through the power of the Holy Spirit, you’re able to live inside your purpose and life gets fuller (John 10:10b).

Spiritual Growth

Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:2-3

It is intended that we grow spiritually. I’m never more humbled than when I look back over my life and see God’s faithfulness to complete a good work in me (Philippians 1:6). I have a long way to go, but progress is happening. Without studying the Bible I would still be drinking spiritual milk rather than moving on to more meatier topics. Reading the bible takes you deeper still.

Bear Fruit

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself semi: it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Bearing fruit is another benefit of Bible study. When I first started out in my Christian life there were certain people that stood out to me. Looking back I can now see they were fruit bearing Christians. They encouraged me in my faith. I wanted to have the peace, joy and love they had. When we bear fruit we are drawing others to the love of Christ as well and bringing God glory. Which, brings me to the next thing…

Give Glory to God

This is to my father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8

Bearing fruit gives glory to God. The world sees a difference, a sweetness and God gets the glory. It’s His work and Holy Spirit in us, that draws others and glorifies God. Then, if God’s doing it all, why study the Bible? Because we are given His Word, that we might grow in grace and bear fruit. We have the privilege of (actively) participating in the process, all to the glory of God.

Thoroughly Equipped

All scripture is God – breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Soldiers don’t enter the battlefield without training because the outcome could be disastrous. Studying the Bible is how we get equipped to be more effective for the cause of Christ.

Why Study the Bible?

The benefits of Bible study go far beyond what has been covered here today. However, growing spiritually, being transformed-changed from the inside out and enjoying the fruit of the Spirit are a few huge blessings in why we study the Bible. Being thoroughly equipped in every situation, whether sharing the gospel or facing a difficult time, Bible study prepares us. Fruit bearing Christians give God the glory and that’s what its really all about! It’s all about Him.

Need Some Help with Bible Study? FREE Resources!

The free Bible study that has changed my life is Bible Study Fellowship. This is an international Bible study that is hosted all over the world and likely near you! It runs from September through May, however you can join at anytime throughout the year. The mission of BSF is to mature God’s people. They accomplished that in me. BSF involvement is the tool God used to teach me how to study His Word, renewing my mind and changing me from the inside out. He continues to do that daily in me as I study His flawless Word.

Another resource I have for you…access to my resource library opens up the doors to Biblical guides, outlines and bible studies I have written to help people draw closer to God. It is all free for you, just sign up!

benefits of why study the bible

Name more benefits of Bible study in the comments below! Don’t forget to share this article with someone who may not know what they’re missing in Bible Study.


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