How to do a Word Study in the Bible

word study in the Bible

Years ago I wanted to learn how to do a word study in the Bible. I started pulling down all my bible study tools – can concordance, Bible dictionary and different translations of the Bible. Then I stumbled upon the Blue Letter Bible website (free online tool). Game changer!

In this article, you are gonna get a step-by-step guide on how to use the word Bible study method to deepen your understanding of God and His word. Be sure to watch the video, as it will make the process a bit clearer. You can also download a free Bible word study worksheet to help you get started.

Renewing Your Mind

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Renewing your mind is the most transforming thing you can do. Time in God’s Word reaps incredible blessing (more about blessings of Bible study here). As a Christian counselor I get a front row seat to the benefits of living out God’s Word in life and relationships. Studying Scripture helps us see ourselves, others and God through the lens of truth.

As the Holy Spirit guides us through Scripture, we become more effective in taking thoughts captive, crushing anxiety, practicing gratitude, forgiving others – and so much more!

How I Learned the Word Bible Study Method

I learned how to do a basic word study in the Bible, on my own. However, I got a more in depth lesson through the organization, Bible Study Fellowship. Quick plug – if you’re looking for an in depth study – Bible Study Fellowship is for you! This is an international organization – which means there is likely one near you! It runs 30 weeks (during a traditional school year) and it’s free! Their mission is to mature God’s people. God has used this organization powerfully  in my own life. I encourage you to check it out here.

Go pour a fresh cup of coffee and we’ll get started on how to do a word study in the Bible. Also, sign up and instantly get the printable PDF worksheet to do the word bible study method so you can fill it in as we go along.

5 Step Word Bible Study Method

Step 1: Choose a Word

OK come at this is a more obvious step, but can be a tricky 1. I usually come across a word during Bible study and underline it for a word study later. Choose a word that has a fairly limited meaning, rather than a word that has multiple meanings. Check out the list of ideas below to help you get started.

Step 2: Define the Word

Next, define the word with a regular dictionary. Google expedites this for me. I simply type in “define (insert word).”

Step 3: Explore Bible Usages of the Word

This step is a bit more in depth with multiple areas to discover – but, also the most fun, in my opinion. There is no particular order these areas must be done. Let’s dive in…

First, use the concordance to jot down other Scripture references. The Blue Letter Bible makes this super easy with the click of a mouse. Spend some time reading over the Scriptures that correlate with your word. Second, check out the Bible dictionary to learn deeper meanings of the word. Next, compare translations for the word you chose. This will show you synonyms of your word. I find this helps expand my understanding of the word I chose. Finally, check out the original language of the word. This gives you more insight into the word and see other verses in which it is used.

Step 4: Summarize What You’ve Learned

Summarizing what you learned from the word Bible study method solidifies key points. Jot down what stood out to you and new insights you gained. Writing also increases your ability to remember.

Step 5: Apply the Word Bible Study

This is where the rubber meets the road! Spend time applying the word Bible study to your relationship with God and your life. Is there anything God is nudging you to change as a result of what you learned? How will you thank or praise him in response to what you’ve learned?

How to do a Word Study in the Bible…

Let’s recap how to do a biblical word study…

First, pick your word. Second, define the word with a modern dictionary. Third, explore biblical usages of the word. (Insert Blue Letter Bible here for online study!) Alternately you can grab your concordance, Bible dictionary, and other translations of the Bible to navigate this step. Fourth, summarize what you’ve learned. Finally, apply your new insights to your life and relationship with God.

Now that you know how to do a word study in the Bible – share this article with someone you know!

Got questions? Leave it in the comments.

Related articles about Bible study methods:

3 Question Bible Study Method

SOAP Bible Study Method

Taking Thoughts Captive Bible Study

Ruth 10 Days Study


  1. Donna Nulton on June 12, 2022 at 9:06 am

    You allways inspire!

    • Sunshyne Gray on June 14, 2022 at 9:43 am

      So glad it was helpful, Donna! Blessings:)

  2. […] How to do a Word Study in the Bible (free printable) […]

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  4. […] How to do a Word Study in the Bible {free printable + video} […]

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