Navigating Secular Music in a Christian Home

My Thoughts

My thoughts on secular music in a Christian home is not a topic with a definitive answer. This simply isn’t a topic with one way to do things. Every person is uniquely made and therefore their home is uniquely run. My thoughts on the topic of secular music in a Christian home is more about what we decided, my fears and God’s faithfulness.

The Decision

We decided to allow secular music as long as the lyrics were reviewed and appropriate.

My Fears

My fears were realized. Secular music started being played more and more. Christian music was being played less and less. I worried that I made the wrong choice. I was second-guessing myself. I prayed for wisdom, grace and most of all I prayed for their hearts. I encouraged Christian music. I talked with them about the purpose of worship. I explained that Christian music puts focus on Christ and all that we have to thank and praise Him for. Did I mention I prayed? And then I waited. I was still.

Why the Choice is Theirs

I work hard at resisting legalism. I love a checklist and easily fall into that routine. The house is clean. Check. The laundry is done. Check. The kids are listening to Christian music. Check. I don’t want to be so concerned with the outward that I lose sight of the heart.

It’s All About the Heart

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. ~Proverbs 4:23

My goal for the kids is that they would have a heart of worship. I could enforce of Christian music only rule, but their heart matters more to me. I desire a heart of worship for them. That is part of their purpose. Making them listen to Christian music won’t accomplish that.

Learning Discernment

One day I won’t be around to tell them how to live. Ultimately they are accountable to God. They have to learn how to navigate the world around them with their purpose in mind. They need to learn how to live in the world without being of it. That includes navigating the music they listen to.

God’s Faithfulness

Slowly Christian music began making its way back into our home more than secular music. I started hearing them sing along to Christian music when they had their headphones on. I heard them choosing to stream the Christian station through Alexa. I noticed they were adding new songs from the Christian genre to their playlists. God was working on their hearts. They were developing a desire for Christian music. God is cultivating a heart of worship. I want them to desire to put Christ at the center and sing songs that thank and praise Him for all that he has done.

The Grand Finale

I felt thankful, God is faithful. Just when I didn’t think any more could be done on the topic the grand finale happened. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing God bless my children. We are part of a large church that brings in musicians to share a song or two before service begins. It’s a great way to introduce new musicians and music.

A musician that we were familiar with talked with my daughter in the lobby before the service began. She requested her favorite song by him and he said he’d think about it. Then when it was time for him to go on stage he dedicated the song that she had requested to her. So unexpected. Yes, God is faithful.


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