Scripture Devotional – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Do you have a song that touches your heart in such a way that every time you hear it, you feel a lump form in your throat? I do…Mat Kearney has a song titled, “Face to Face”. While there are so many lessons in the song that resonates with me, I don’t get choked up until this verse below…
“I feel your thunder pourin’ like rain
Down on the mountains of all my mistakes
Rolling like rivers, running with grace
Into the ocean of your embrace”Face to Face by Matt Kearny
The verse highlights what I need to hear sometimes. I need to be reminded that I’m enough because His grace is sufficient for me. The grace of God is where I want to set my eyes. When I start to think self defeating thoughts like, I’m not enough, my eyes get focused on me. The enemy wants us to buy into the lie that we’re not enough. Sometimes I bite…hook, line and sinker. Do you get caught in this kind of thinking, too?
When I look upward, I’m reminded. I. Am. Enough…Because His grace is all over me. Abounding, bucketfuls and unending grace pours over me like rolling rivers covering the mountain of my mistakes.

I lose it on the last line. “Into the ocean of your embrace.” When I think I am not enough, there He is, with open arms. God reminds me His love for me and for you, is demonstrated in grace. The grace we receive through Christ. The grace that is enough and says, “I love you just the way you are”.