The Power of Our Words
The Power of Our Words
I was glued to a demonstration for kids about the power of our words. This demonstration was based on James 3:1-12. The lady doing the demo had a table with several items, each covered with a blanket. She asked the question, “Can you think of any weapons of mass destruction?” All the kids began listing different violent weapons. Shouting them out at the same time. When she quieted the group back down she took the blanket off the first item. It was a knife. She held up the knife and she asked, “Can you do damage with this?” She removed the next blanket, and held up a small axe. The third blanket revealed a small handgun. Under the fourth blanket was a bomb.
With every item, the suspense was building as we waited for the last item causing mass destruction. Finally the blanket comes off and she lifts up this little rubber tongue. The kids yelled, “Ewwwww!” Everybody got quiet wondering what in the world she was doing with this a little tongue that she wiggled between her fingers for everyone to see. As she held up the little rubber tongue, she said, “Your words are powerful.” The power of our words can cause mass destruction.
“Your words are powerful, choose them wisely.” Share on XIf the power of words can cause mass destruction, what would happen if we use that power for good? The power of our words can bring resolution, strength and hope.
The power of our words can bring resolution, strength and hope. Share on XWhile I was listening to her speak, I felt so convicted. My words often come so quickly that they’re not well thought through. Sometimes I can see all my words floating around in the air, wishing I could pull them back in. But I can’t. Once the words have been said… they’re out there. Sure, I can say I’m sorry and I can ask forgiveness, but I can’t unsay the words that have been said.
So what does the Bible say about the words we should speak?
The Power of Our Words Bring Resolution
“My dear brothers and sisters take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” ~James 1:19
These two verses are a beautiful demonstration of good communication. It’s easy to make assumptions (more on that here) and interrupt when someone is speaking(need more on communication, click here). James is saying, don’t do that. He saying wait, listen to everything the other person is saying. Resolution and peace can be the fruit of the power of our words. Listening to everything the other person is saying doesn’t mean you’re agreeing. It simply means you’re respecting their perspective and their experience in that situation.
The Power of Our Words Strengthen
“Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.” ~Job 4:4
Can you think of a time in your life that you felt buried and overwhelmed? You know, those days when there’s a string of “I can’ts” running through your mind. We’ve all been there. We’ve all had those days when we feel buried and overwhelmed. These are opportunities to speak encouraging words into those around us. Remember your words are powerful. Your words can support someone who is stumbling and strengthen them.
The Power of Our Words Restore Hope
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” ~Proverbs 16:24
Grace. Wins. Every. Time. Gracious words restore hope when feelings of hopelessness are prevailing. We all experience times when we feel like we’re out of options. Speaking gracious words over someone sends the message, “I care about you”. In other words, the benefits of gracious words received and given in a relationship is powerful and life-changing.
If the power of our words can cause mass destruction, then the opposite is true as well. Powerful words can change someone’s day and even their life. Choose to use powerful words to bring resolution, strengthen and restore hope. I want people to walk away from me feeling uplifted and strengthened. The power of our words is tremendous. We all want our words to be a blessing to those around us.
Explained in simple language. Made it plain.
Thanks for stopping by Sheryl!
Excellent made me laugh l like teaching that has humbled me to God l is feeling better total to Gody ways all ways best regards a friend to freiend saved to mememe need ten ton pluss more loved made me feel really God is good only him for me l think l need more l send forgiving message as l haven’t contacted me to day l prayerfully say I am thinking to be your friend Xx you have received this communication and the other side of the year l like long study like yours l am lam looking forward to your emails hope the teachers are Evernote helps you find the truth thanks XxxxxxxxXSo nice and warm the truth about this it will take care about me know the details for some of us l respect for a coffee
only l cant send this
so l will conclude this message is ready and willing willingness to help her become an ENGLAND to you we can do that wonderful kindness that I am going for you or what suits the way in the future
[…] Choose words wisely. Our words are quite powerful. Use your words to encourage, uplift and speak the truth in love to your spouse. Once your spouse sees a pattern of words chosen wisely, trust grows. As a result, the intimacy in your marriage will grow as well. […]